How to Train Your Board in Fundraising

Jan 26, 2022

Cathy is joined by special guest, Maureen Lymburner from Home Again Furniture Bank, who wants to implement mini fundraising education sessions for her board.

Maureen shares with Cathy that they have added new members to the board and are recruiting more. The educational sessions will help as the board members are coming in from different organizations with different levels of fundraising knowledge. 

"Most hear the word fundraising and want to hide under a table!"

But really, fundraising is about asking people to engage in important work and making change for their community. 

Here are some key points of advice:  

  • Any future board recruitment needs to have fundraising added to the job description and that job description is shared with the prospective board member. Added to that: written approval that they've read and understood the job description. 
  • Are you an organization that delivers on its mission or a fundraising organization...most would say they are an organization that delivers on its mission. But in order to deliver on that mission, you need to be a fundraising organization. Then talk about what that means. 
  • During board meetings, implement what's called a 'mission moment' where you share a story of someone your org has helped. It keeps the board connected to the work they're doing. 
  • There needs to be an expectation that each board member will make a donation within their means. It doesn't have to be their top gift but ask that you make it to the top 3 of the charities that they give to. 
  • Who needs to make the ask with board members? Messages are received well when the person is a peer. Board members can feel like they're being lectured from staff at times but can be engaged in a conversation with a peer. 
  • Find allies on the board that will champion fundraising. Other board members will look to them for their support for the information and plans you're delivering. 
  • The mini-educational topics to share are many but for example, if there is an event coming up, you can share what a board member's role is in the event. Be strategic about the information you're sharing. 

There's a lot more to hear and learn in this session, so have a listen!



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